Join us for our December Virtual Distance event featuring our Winter Waddle Medals. You can choose to participate at the 5K, 10K or 25K level. Remember, you can choose to participate based on distance ( .6 miles=1K of running, walking, swimming or biking) or time (15 minutes=1k). In other words, 5K is equal to 1.25 total hours of your favorite activity, 10k is equal to 2.5 hours and 25 k is equal to 6.25 hours. You can cover each event all at once or over several workouts. You can register for one event, two events or all three.
Click here to order the pay what you can option (does NOT include a medal, but DOES include a finishers certificate for downloading.)
By the way, this product is a great companion to the Rock The Road Race Training Program!
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